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Glow Of Art - Finger Art, Focus N Filter, Name Art

4.6 ( 4336 ratings )
Fotografia e vĂ­deo Estilo de vida
Developer: Mitesh Varu

FingerTip Signature Art - Name Art, Focus N Filter
is Fingertip Art in which your name written in art.
Focus n filter makes your name in stylish art way.
Using focus n filter app you can make your name like your signature.
You have to just write your name and many stylish suggestion you can see in this focus n filter.
Main feature.
Its draw your name in Fingertip Art.
Many different Fingertip Art suggestion.
You can change your background color and same as name color.
Name size change as per your need.

- Fingertip Art is a simple App to Draw Your Name with using Your Finger.
- Draw as many time you want.
- Draw with using some different Colors
- Enter your name OR Write your name with focus and filter
- Finger tip signatures.
- Draw with using some different Colours Also Select Guardian Image And Draw Multi Colors .
- Also 200+ Emoji Sticker available.
- Share with your friends and have fun!